Reverse Fibonacci

What Is It?

Usually, the normal version of a roulette strategy involves a negative progression increasing bets after every loss while the reverse version involves a positive progression decreasing bets after every win. Fibonacci sequence is created by adding two previous numbers to derive the next number in the sequence.

1 + 1 =2, 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 3 = 5, and so on. The sequence is given below.

1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377 – 610

In Fibonacci series, you bet on any even chance bets and move along the sequence with every loss. When you hit a win, you move back two numbers. The aim is to continue until you reach the start of the progression. With the reverse Fibonacci series, you have to go one step forward after every win and move back two numbers after every loss. The logic behind this is to follow a winning streak and make a profit.

reverse fibonacci

The Strategy

It looks like the strategy is actually quite flawed as you will need a huge amount of wins to cover the losses and still come out a winner. Over long-term, this looks like a very flimsy strategy to adapt.

However, on the brighter side, if you are betting on red and you are lucky to get 8 reds on sequence, you turn in a nice profit. If you are planning to play with this system, you should probably set yourself a limit over which you will walk away with the win. Most people tend to increase their winnings and in that attempt, lose everything they have earned.

As with most roulette strategies, the normal version of the system follows a negative progression while the reverse of the system follows a positive progression. In the normal version, you increase the bets after a loss while in the reverse version, you should increase the bet after a win.

Bet 1 – win

Bet 1 – win

Bet 2 – win

Bet 3 – lose

Bet 1 – win

Bet 2 – win

Bet 3 – win

Bet 5 – lose

Bet 2 – lose

Bet 1 – win

The above sequence does not actually look great as, in spite of getting 7 wins and only 3 losses, you have managed to make a net profit of only one. There are several other strategies that could have helped you make a much higher profit with the same results. It is one of the reasons why many do not prefer this system. The strategy requires one to get a large number of wins than the losses to actually win something worthwhile. However, if you are lucky enough to get a long winning streak, you will make yourself a great profit.


You might face losses in the mid-series but as long as you follow the rule, you will emerge victorious! Do keep in mind that you will need more wins than losses to find success in this system. If you want to use a positive progression strategy, Reverse Martingale would probably be a better idea.

Want to learn another cool roulette strategy? Try reading about Roulette 64% Strategy.

reverse fibonacci